Thankful Thursdays – 10 Things I am Thankful for this Week

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I am so excited to host Thankful Thursdays during the month of November. Each Thursday I will compile links to those blogs participating.   This was inspired by Kristina’s post at yesterthoughts

Amy at Among Women talks about her appreciation for both the spiritual and the practical.   

Elizabeth lists her big and small reasons to be cheerful at Frabjous Days.

Diane talks about the random things that she appreciates in her life.

Dawn at By Sun and Candlelight talks about the ‘light’ things that highlight her week.  I love the pictures she shares with us!

Karen expresses her gratitude for the big and small blessings of her week.  (and pshaw Karen,  I’m enjoying this immensely! :))

Katherine in Tx  brought a smile to my face with her gratitude list that a mom experienced in pregnancy can certainly relate to! 🙂  She also has some awesome pictures!

And now back to the post that started it all.  Kristina at Yesterthoughts inspired us all to count our blessings!

This has been a joy for me to compile.    I look forward to next week! 

Things I am Thankful for this week  at Joyful Chaos:

1.  Giggly girls,  sisters, born 5 years apart, that love to play together, laugh together, fight sometimes, but ALWAYS make up with a genuine hug.

2.  Rough and tumble boys, 5 brothers  of various ages,  all sporting buzz cuts and bare chests whenever they can.  They throw one another down on the living room floor to show their love for each other.

3.  Milk, on sale, 10 for $10.oo. 

4.  Friends that will pick up my children and drive them to the Life Lab for a science class, so I don’t have to bundle littles up and take them myself.

5.   A tall, dark, and handsome husband that makes me laugh no matter what my mood, and loves me unconditionally.

6.  Parents that live nearby.  For years my parents lived so far away that we could only visit them once or twice a year.  They have recently moved close enough to truely be a part of our lives.

7.  A mother-in-law that I adore.   We get along wonderfully.  I’ve heard stories that make me realize just how lucky I am to have this kind of relationship with her!

8.  An eleven year old boy that will not let his mother do ‘man’s work’  when his dad is not home.

9.  Coffee – this requires no explanation! 🙂

10.  Season changes.  While I may complain about the long, cold, Ohio winters,  I am thankful to live where we get to truly experience the best and worst of winter, spring, summer and fall. 

Wow!  That was just one weeks worth!  I could’ve easily come up with 10 more. 

Late Entrants:  (keep ’em coming ladies! :))

One More Tracy

Minnesota Mom  (I’m noticing the commonality of ‘coffee’ on the lists!)

As Cozy as Spring  (Late, but THANKFUL!)

Jenn’s heartfelt Thank You for the people in her life.

Stef who says she could easily do 10 more!

Alicia sends belated Thankfulness.

Three Plus Two shares a GREAT moment with God! 🙂

Melaine at Our Lady of Tuscany Homeschool writes about her gratitude for Faith, Family, and Friends!

Blessed Among Men shares her wonderfully ecclectic list of appreciation!

About Lisbet

We are a Catholic homeschooling family of 13. (so far!) We are devoted to our Lord and our faith, open to the blessings of children, and enjoy learning and growing together in our joyfully chaotic home.

18 responses »

  1. Beautiful, Lisa! Two of my giggly girls are six years apart, but have that same relationship. 🙂

    Thankful for all this gratitude,

  2. You are awesome, Lisa! These posts will be my coffee break today!

  3. Lisa, I love your list, and I love the way you have put this together! Thank you so much!!

  4. This is great. Thanks for putting this together. I love your list. Between the thankfulness for caffeine and family, I can really relate. 🙂

  5. Just lovely, and thanks for hosting this great idea. A wonderful exercise to focus on the positive and be greatful for the many gifts.

    I love your list!

  6. Thanks for putting together this lovely carnival. Just the sort of thing “us” moms need some times!

  7. Ok, I did it. Late, but I did it. Thank you for this.

    Also, my husband is tall, dark and handsome too. Plus, as you mentioned, we both have five boys!!

  8. My husband is short, blonde and handsome. 🙂 But we have five boys, and would certainly rejoice over 10 gallons of milk for $10.00 :).

    And Coffee! YES! Thankfulness for coffee!

  9. Thank you for putting this together, Lisa…wonderful job, and I love your list, too. We are all so blessed, aren’t we!

  10. Another late entry for you, Lisa:
    I am enjoying this carnival 🙂

  11. What a great list, Lisa, so fun to read.

    Thanks for pulling this together. It’s been a real blessing.

    btw, I grew up in Ohio and much of my family is still there. I’m hoping to move back next year—we shall see.

  12. This was wonderful Lisa! Thanks so much for organizing this.

  13. Pingback: Gratitude Moments Days 16 & 17 - Balanced Life Center

  14. A beautiful post and a fantastic idea – thank you, Lisa. I am sending you an entry for the next week. 🙂

  15. Thank you Kristina and Jennifer for this brilliant, brilliant reminder to count our blessings, and do so often! Great carnival, Jennifer!

  16. Pingback: Thankful Thursdays! « The Journey of a Mother’s Heart

  17. Thank you for your amazing post!


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