No More Belly Pics…Now We Have Back Pics! :)

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Mark is spending his first day snuggled on Mama’s back.  He’s such a snuggly little thing!


About Lisbet

We are a Catholic homeschooling family of 13. (so far!) We are devoted to our Lord and our faith, open to the blessings of children, and enjoy learning and growing together in our joyfully chaotic home.

16 responses »

  1. Such sweet pictures! Can you put that baby wrap on yourself or does it require two people?

  2. Just Mark and I 😉 It’s really much easier than people think!

  3. LOL! Yes, I can see how it would require two people to make it work! 😉 But, not three. Perfect! It is going on my must have list.

  4. Aww, so sweet, congratulations!

    May God bless you,

  5. Baby Mark looks perfectly content! He is sweetness itself!!!

  6. You look just perfect together!

  7. oh how sweet! What kind of wrap is that? beautiful!!!!

    did you cut your hair?

  8. He looks very happy. 🙂

  9. That’s amazing! I can’t seem to figure out the back carry and my baby is now 6 months!

  10. You look so great! I love these pics of the two of you. If I am ever blessed with another, I would love to try this!

  11. This looks so cozy. When/if God blesses us with another, I think I may have to try this one. I had a sling with my first, but it would be much easier to cook dinner, do dishes, laundry etc. with the little one cozy on my back. The pictures are beautiful.

  12. You look wonderful and MArk is just precious. What kind of wrap are you wearing? We just had our 7th, Maria Faustina and I would love to get a wrap to put her in. Also how do you get him on your back and does he like it?

  13. congrats lisa i saw the rest of the family this past weekend just wasnt the same with out you there mark is so perfect but then again all your kids are you and tony have it figured out all your babies are all beautiful you are looking great seems like you are feeling good too
    god bless you all

  14. Thanks Jason. I missed all of you also, but we needed our rest. We’ve been keeping your beautiful family in our prayers. I’m wondering if we’ll see you at Thanksgiving??

  15. I just love the photo of you and Mark snug on your back at the stove, a beautiful shot!

  16. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet little Mark. I love the way you’re wearing him on your back. I was never patient enough to figure out how to wrap my babies on my back. I always just wore mine on my front.

    I saw a lady at an LLL meeting stand up one time, hoist her baby over one shoulder, lean over and with a few quick movements, tied her baby on securely all by herself. It was kinda funny because the meeting stopped, and all eyes were on her (I don’t think that was her intention)


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