30 Weeks!

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If I follow my typical pattern,  only about 8 weeks to go until we all get to meet Mark face to face!  We are all getting very excited!


About Lisbet

We are a Catholic homeschooling family of 13. (so far!) We are devoted to our Lord and our faith, open to the blessings of children, and enjoy learning and growing together in our joyfully chaotic home.

7 responses »

  1. How exciting! I’ll be praying for an easy last 8 weeks, a happy and healthy Mama and Mark and a perfect labor and delivery! You look wonderful! So happy!

    BTW, I love the color of your kitchen! We are about to paint our new kitchen and I have been dreaming of sunshiney yellows.

  2. You look so beautiful, Lisa! I am so excited for you! You are almost there! :o)

  3. What a lucky baby Mark is to be coming to such a happy, loving home and such a beautiful Mama!!!

  4. You look great! It has been so fun watching your belly grow. 😎

  5. What a gorgeous bunch of little ones on your banner! What BLESSINGS!
    I’m praying for an easy delivery of that little bundle…YOU LOOK GREAT!!!

  6. Hi, dear…This is CeiCei from JM…I just wanted to say that I was thinking a lot about you lately…Just wanted to make sure you were ok…YOu look great by the way…

  7. Hey CeiCei! I’m doing very well thank you! 🙂 Hope you are also! God Bless!


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